Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to make play dough!

Every kid loves play dough! I even find myself enthusiastically making creations with my two boys!

However, it is something kids go through quickly. It dries out, the colors get mixed together...etc Not to mention, it is not always convenient to run to the store when you want to!

No need to find your shoes and keys when the urge to play hits... simply head to your kitchen! Save time, money, and your cars fuel by making it at home. Your kids will love the experience, and you'll love the convenience and cost savings! Its safe, non-toxic, and although salty - safe to eat in the instance your kids try to eat!

Here's what you need:

2 cups plain flour
2 cups water
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp cream of tartar
1 cup salt
food coloring

  1. Mix all the ingredients together until completely combined.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly for three or four minutes or until the mixture changes consistency, becomes thick, and loses its stickiness.  Dump onto waxed paper or cutting board.
  3. Knead the play dough for a few minutes until cool and smooth
  4. Divide into balls and add coloring (use plastic gloves to avoid staining your hands)
  5. PLAY!
  6. Store in air tight container

I split the ingredients in half to make two sets - one for each of the boys


cream of tartar
water and oil

I have the boys mix all of the ingredients themselves!

In goes the salt!

Cream of Tartar...

Mixing the dry ingredients...

And the water and oil last!

Time to cook it! I use a low heat setting, and stir constantly

Here it starts to look like mashed potatoes

Looks like a ruined mess, but its not! Its perfect!

Noah stole the camera and took a pic of me :)

Put the mess on cutting/rolling board 

Its gonna be hot, but you need to kneed it until it cools and is a malleable lump of dough

Voila! The malleable (lol, what a funny word) lump of dough!

I'm gonna make four colors, so I separated the ball into four smaller ones! Make sure you sagh!ve a little if you want plain white dough.

Use as many drops as necessary to get the color you want!

Toothpaste is great for getting the color out of your hands if you don't use gloves!

Our colors! Dunno what happened to this pic or why its pink!


The last photos were taken with my they are a bit off... but you can still see the fun!

I store the play dough in a plastic container. It lasts a long long time!

I love DIY!